The Sun is in Gate 39 of Obstruction

Gate 39 | 01 JUL 2024 - 07 JUL 2024

09˚ 30’ 00” Cancer through 15˚ 07’ 30” Cancer

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

Gate 39 is the Gate of Obstruction, also known as The Provocateur.

This gate creates enormous pressure to provoke the awareness that leads to greater freedom. Your attitude will determine the spirit of this transit. Like all Cancer frequencies, the undercurrent theme of Gate 39 is to care, nourish, and provide for the spirit of life. Gate 39 is the root pressure to transcend anything which obstructs or traps the fuel for life.

Growth requires tension, and this gate illustrates that sometimes genuine care will not always feel “nice”. Those who carry Gate 39 in their design understand that sometimes to free someone from their own self-imposed limitations, you have to poke where it hurts.

Life tests us in much the same way when the Sun transits the Gate of the Provocateur.

This is the doctor who scrapes your wounds to clear an infection, the coach who pushes you for one more rep, the high altitude climb that leaves you grasping for air, the relationship with that person who knows just what to say and how to say it in order to push your buttons….

Look closer. Feel more. Who is able to provoke you? What in life is testing you, and how are you responding?

You can breathe shallowly until you are exhausted, unwilling to feel the fear underneath. You can lash out at others, trying to get them to take your anger. Negative attention, taking things personally, tapping out when it gets tough. This is the shadow of the Gate of Obstruction.

Or, you can dig deeper. Gate 39 is grounded by Gate 38 - The Fighter. This is the energy to persevere through struggle and find meaning at the other end. This gate provides the resolve to push through obstruction and meet the spirit on the other side.

Anything worth having typically isn’t easy to acquire.

The gifted potential of this energy is dynamic action - the creativity that sees limitless potential. The result is the freedom to express your spirit as you are, knowing just what to say to evoke the same liberation in others.

The miracle of a self-healing body. The strength you didn’t know you had. The rush of the mountain summit. The love in true intimacy.

Do you have gate 39 in your chart? You may have noticed that you have a knack for really getting under people’s skin just by being who you are. Those you can provoke easily are not really for you. The correct people will embrace and benefit from the awareness you spark in them.

If you have the 55th gate hanging in your design, then you will be under the conditioning field of the Channel of Emoting this week. This may be a highly moody time for you with the potential to stimulate and test you in the ways that will free up trapped energy.

Current Transit Gate 39

The Sun is in Gate 53 Development


The Sun is in Gate 52 of Inaction