
Sarah is a self-taught, second generation astrologer. She was first introduced to this wisdom as a child by her grandmother, with whom she shares a birthday. She has been studying whole house, tropical western astrology privately for many years, later launching a public practice in 2021.

In 2024, Sarah received certification by the IHDS in Human Design, and now heavily incorporates this intricate system into her work as a professional Analyst.

Sarah is a natural teacher with a gift for explaining all the overwhelming nuances of astrology and Human Design in a way that is both accessible and practical. A former engineer, scientist, and business consultant, she values precise language and empirical observation to provide evidence and share the of truth of her experiment with these wisdom systems.

Sarah is based in Austin, TX where she works locally with the community and shares her work globally online.

My Approach

You are your own best authority. You’ve got it all on your own. But we all have blind spots. I’ll be the friend who you can trust see what you can’t, helping you to become that much more YOU in the process.

Focus on the Details

Sarah has the energy to notice and remember the small details that make all the difference in unlocking who you truly are. Line fine tuning machinery, Sarah can spot the finer points that need to be provoked into awakening for beginners and advanced students alike.

Empower Correct Direction

Sarah has the archer’s big picture vision, with a tantric sense for guiding her life and the path of others through precise timing, integration of the past, and understanding of the future. She knows where she’s going, and can help you connect to that same awareness in yourself.

Be a Friend

Sarah knows the best advisor is like a friend you can trust with your messiest feelings and deepest worries. She accepts you as you are right now, with respect for who you’ve been, and trust in who you’ll become as you fulfill your genetic potential.

Sarah’s Natal Chart

  • Sarah is a born communicator and can tailor her approach to suit the listener. She is a natural learner and assimilator with the ability to share in a way that is both precise and stimulating.

  • Sarah finds purpose in teaching, especially in close connection to others. Her life path has given her wisdom and experience on how to grow harmoniously in relationship. She is passionate about applying her work to support couples for this reason.

  • Sarah has a natural gift for aesthetics and design, which she brings to her business through her creative vision and branding. She loves to work in partnership with others and has success in helping her clients find balance and peace in their lives.

  • Sarah is the business of transformation. Her hawk-eye for precise detail is a true strength, and is used to help serve clients in their own evolution. With so much energy in th 6th house, she uses her education in Biological Engineering and her wisdom in Medical Astrology and Primary Health System to help clients overcome wellness challenges with small, practical changes.

  • Sarah’s biggest challenges in life has been in surrender and forgiveness. As she matures, Sarah is mastering the realm of the inner world and sharing it wih her network.

Sarah’s Rave Chart

  • Sarah is a natural with a genius for what she does. She is called to share and externalize her talents with her network. She is warm, friendly, and relatable and enjoys her role as a confidante to others. She lives in response to what life brings her, processing her experience through many layers of nuance over time.

  • Sarah is an organizational being that pulls together all the details for her community. She keeps her promises and has the will power and the skills to deliver. Sarah’s first Saturn Return brought her the frequency of the Cross of Explanation, which she uses in conjunction with her natal cross to teach and serve her network.

  • Sarah has an inner wisdom and vision for the direction of her life and it’s timing. Holding a compass in her hand, she is able to sense and empower the direction of others, providing the keys they need to move forward correctly.

  • Sarah’s motivation is innocence. She has no agenda to push on those she encounters. She seeks only to be herself and to inspire the same for others.

  • Sarah’s Channel of Community is part of the Mystical Way Circuit. She also has Gate 61 of Mystery activated 4 times in her design. She is apt to know, experience, and share esoteric wisdom.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is an eloquent synthesis of several ancient wisdom systems. Astrology, the Chinese I Ching, and the Hindu Brahman Chakra system are all woven together into one empirically based, esoterically informed methodology that we now call the Science of Differentiation. Ra Uru Hu, born Robert Allan Krakower, is the founder and messenger of this knowledge. Watch below for his original introduction from 1994.