The Sun is in Gate 33 of Privacy

Gate 33 | 31 JUL 2024 - 06 AUG 2024

07˚ 37’ 30” Leo through 13˚ 15’ 00” Leo

History is not fact, but memory.

Have you noticed that memories, especially those which are distant, are not really thoughts, but more a sense? Stored in the intangible, what you remember is neatly tucked away in the most private of places that consciousness can reside.

Gate 33 is the Gate of Privacy, also known as Retreat. As a gate of Leo, this inward, withdrawn frequency may come as as surprise to you - a direct contradiction to all the popular ideas about Leo.

But Retreat is an essential quality of the best leaders. This gate represents the essential space and time for contemplation of past experience, which once evaluated, can be shared to guide the direction of the group. Hasty leaders repeat the mistakes of old, while those with the prudence to reflect and listen can move the needle forward mindfully.

Another gate of the Throat center, this frequency speaks in the voice of “I remember”. Leo as the sign of children, is about the journey of the inexperienced to experienced. Here, what you remember (and what you don’t) provide the potential for revelation - the true purpose of this gate.

Memory of the past is a storehouse for secrets, lessons, and wisdom. And while some of us prefer to learn the hard way, this week, we have the gift of learning from collective memory when we are mindful of what we hear.

Pay attention to what you share this week about your own stories, as your recollections are likely to help another make sense of the present. You may find yourself in a position where you know more than you say, but choose to keep certain elements private. As a polarity, it’s possible to share private information out of context, with ears listening that were not intended. Alternatively, you may find yourself struggling with forgetfulness, or an inability to recall something you only just experienced recently.

Notice what you take away from the memories of others this week, as it likely to contain insights that could save you from future mistakes. But remember also that memory is easily manipulated, and can be altered to reveal details that were previously hidden. I expect this week to be full of rhetoric about the past history of our political leaders and censorship galore.

Gate 33 is one of three gates of Aloneness in the zodiac, so you may recognize a stronger drive for privacy during this transit. Rather than be an active participant in life’s events, the position of the witness has observational advantage. Retreating to reflect or put your notes in order provides the opportunity to regenerate, allowing the spirit, the lesson, and possibly, the revelation to come through.

Gate 33 is grounded by the Earth in Gate 19 - Approach. This Aquarian frequency emanating from the root center is the pressure to meet the needs and wants of the tribe. This is a sensitive energy which conditions us to be of service and to provide for those in our circles. We may be thinking about what resources are available to us or for those in our care.

This is about support, survival, and sustenance. We can benefit one another through the sharing or making of a meal, lending a hand or a dollar, or providing a private place to confide about our feelings.

But in its shadow, Gate 19’s frequency of wanting can lead to hypersensitivity and the codependent urge to be needed. Misunderstanding and moodiness, characteristic of the upcoming Mercury retrograde, can be blown out of proportion or result in the unnecessary wastage of resources.

It is helpful at this time to anchor into what is actually needed, and how to access it.

Do you have Gate 33 in your chart? You may notice your natural capacity to remember what’s important. You may naturally be quite a mindful person, and enjoy cataloguing and recounting information. You are someone with the capacity to be very deliberate about what you say, careful of the proper timing and audience. In the shadow frequency, you may struggle with forgetfulness, further driving you to record what you know.

If you have the harmonic Gate 13 (The Listener) in your chart, you are under the conditioning field of the Channel of the Prodigal this week. You may find yourself a witness to all sorts of stories and experience from others. Your aura will serve as a lighthouse, signaling to others that you are a strong listener and safe keeper of secrets. Especially if your Throat center is undefined or open, be careful of spilling information at the wrong time during this transit. Despite the pressure to share, wait for the proper invitation to guide with what you remember.

Current Transit July 31, 2024

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