The Sun is in Gate 31 of Leadership

Gate 31 | 25 JUL 2024 - 31 JUL 2024

02˚ 00’ 00” Leo through 07˚ 37’ 30” Leo

Leadership is only deocrartric when invited.

Gate 31 is the Gate of Influence. This transit brings the energy of leadership and the ability to guide and inspire others through our words. Gate 31 is about recognizing the power of our voice and using it responsibly to lead and influence the collective.

The past several weeks, we have been exploring the voices of the Throat. Gate 62 brought us the logical “I think.” Gate 56, which has just concluded, brought us the abstract “I believe”. This week, under the Gate 31, the throat speaks in true Leo fashion with “I lead”, for better or worse. It is worth noting that Gate 31 does not directly connect to a motor center, so “I lead” is claim not often backed by action.

The truest essence of this gate is democratic in nature. Genuine leadership is nominated by the group it leads. Without the buy-in of the collective, influence is little more than an individual claim to power.

The shadow expression of this gate is authoritarian, controlling, and arrogant. It does not listen to the voices of those it influences. Remember - leadership, good or bad, is the theme of this transit.

Notice this week where you find yourself called to lead, inspire, or direct others with a strategic direction for the future. Watch as those around you guide with their ideas. The polarity behind this transit is authority or powerlessness. Pay attention to those you influence, and those that influence you.

Where do you feel in charge? And where do you feel powerless to control your own destiny?

Gate 31 is grounded by the Earth in Gate 41 - Decrease. This Aquarian frequency emanating from the root center is the pressure to recognize which feelings are truly of value to us. When options or resources are limited (as is often the case in some way when Decrease is active), the correct feeling will spark development and maximize potential.

Fantasy is a common experience of Gate 41, and reflects the search for valuable feelings. But escapist dreaming, or nervous predictive obsession will only lead to burn out. A helpful tip for those facing feelings of powerlessness at this time is to connect to positive anticipation.

Do you have Gate 31 in your chart? You may notice your natural capacity to lead and influence yourself and others. You are a “take charge” kind of person, who likes to feel in control of your direction. Rather than succumb to the authority of others, your highest gift is call the shots in your own life, and humble point the way for others.

If you have the harmonic Gate 7 (The Army) in your chart, you are under the conditioning field of the Channel of the Alpha this week. When properly recognized by the group or community, you may find you are able to lead a change or strategic initiative for those around you this week. This channel is projected. Without the invitation to guide, attempts to lead will be perceived as dictatorial and be met with resentment.

Current Transit July 26, 2024

The Sun is in Gate 33 of Privacy


The Sun is in Gate 56 of Stimulation